Two RVs parked underneath palm trees.

RV insurance is vital to owning and operating a recreational vehicle in Florida. Not only is it legally required, but it also protects you, your vehicle, and other drivers on the road. Whether you’re a new RV owner or a seasoned traveler, it’s essential to understand the laws and regulations regarding RV insurance in Florida. Let’s take a close look at Florida’s RV insurance requirements.

What Does RV Insurance Cover?

RV Insurance can protect RV owners while on or off the road. Generally, RV insurance covers physical damage to your vehicle caused by an accident or any other covered loss. It also provides liability coverage for bodily injury or property damage sustained by another person while they are driving your RV.

RV insurance can also cover certain personal belongings inside your vehicle, including jewelry and electronics, as well as the insured driver’s legal costs if they are involved in an accident. In addition, there are plenty of optional coverages that RV owners may choose to purchase for more comprehensive protection, including roadside assistance, coverage for custom parts and accessories, and rental reimbursement coverage.

With RV Insurance in Florida, you have peace of mind knowing that you will have financial protection from potentially significant out-of-pocket expenses should something happen to your recreational vehicle.

RV Insurance Requirements in Florida

Florida requires any person to have a minimum amount of liability coverage to operate an RV or any other motor vehicle legally. Florida’s RV insurance requirements include the following:

  • $10,000 for property damage per accident (PD)
  • $10,000 for personal injury protection (PIP)

If you’re pulling a trailer with a vehicle, you’ll need to insure the vehicle you use to transport the trailer and possibly the trailer itself. You may also purchase additional coverage for your camper to protect against physical damage.

Florida law does not require comprehensive coverage and collision coverage, but lenders typically require them if you are financing an RV. Comprehensive coverage pays for damages resulting from incidents outside your control, like vandalism, fire, or theft.

Collision coverage pays for repair and replacement costs if your RV collides with a vehicle or another object, for example a fence or light pole.

What if I Live in My RV?

While some people use their RVs for travel, others live in them full-time. In these cases, you might need more coverage than a standard recreational RV insurance policy offers. Full-timer policies offer more coverage for individuals who use their RV as their primary residence. These policies typically provide the following coverage:

  • Personal liability coverage: Protects RV owners against liability claims, even if the incident occurs while the RV is parked.
  • Medical payments coverage: Pays for medical bills if someone is injured while in or around your RV.
  • Personal property coverage: Offers coverage for personal belongings in your RV.

Full-time RV insurance policies provide more comprehensive coverage for people who live primarily in their RVs.

Additional RV Insurance Coverage

While Florida only requires RV owners to maintain a small amount of RV coverage, it’s essential to consider purchasing additional coverages to ensure you are fully protected while on the road and can pay for any damages sustained in an accident.

Optional RV insurance coverages include:

  • Roadside assistance: Pays for towing services if your RV breaks down while on the road.
  • Full replacement cost coverage: Covers the cost of a new RV if yours is totaled after an accident, provided the RV is less than five years old.
  • Personal effects coverage: Pays to repair or replace your belongings after a covered loss.
  • Pet coverage: Pays for vet bills up to $1,000 if your pet is hurt in an accident.
  • Emergency expense coverage: Covers hotel and travel costs up to $750 if your RV breaks down while away from home.

Levay Mack Insurance Group Has Florida Covered

Florida RV owners need to ensure they meet the state’s insurance requirements to drive their vehicles legally. Even if you meet these minimum requirements, though, it’s essential to consider purchasing additional coverage to ensure you’re protected on and off the road.

At Levay Mack Insurance Group, our primary goal is to share our insurance knowledge so that you know what protection you are buying with your hard-earned money. With over 45 years of experience and as one of the largest independent insurance agencies in South Florida, we are proud to offer access to the top-rated carriers in the insurance industry.

From Palm Beach, St Lucie County, to Brevard County, Levay Mack has Florida covered! To learn more about our RV insurance policy options, contact us today for a free quote!